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Roofing Services, Richmond, VA Roofing is one of the most important aspects of any property. It provides protection to the indoor features of your home from external elements such as the sun, rain, heat, wind, and snow. This feature is specifically designed to withstand the elements without sustaining significant damage. If your roof is maintained well, it can last for several decades without any need to replace it.

If you are building a new home, you want the assurance that the new roof structure will be resilient and durable. In addition to opting for good quality roofing materials, you also need a contractor that has the experience and expertise to handle your project to your specifications and satisfaction.

This is where companies like Keystone Pro Building Services, come into the picture. We cater to clients in Richmond, VA, and surrounding areas. We understand the roof design and installation process well and are remarkably familiar with the different roofing products available on the market.

Types of Roofing Materials

Today, there is a range of roofing materials to choose from. While it’s great to have a wide choice, many homeowners find it very confusing and challenging to decide which material will suit their requirements perfectly. The roofing contractor that you hire for the job, should be knowledgeable enough to provide you with all the information you need about the different types of products available on the market.

Not only will we give you this information but will also inform you on what their pros and cons and pricing structure is. This detailed information will help you make a better-informed decision about the type of roof you want. The different types of roof materials that you can choose from include:

  • Asphalt Shingles - This is a popular and economical type of roofing material available and many residential customers opt for it. The installation is easy and quick; it’s available in a range of colors, giving you the design flexibility, you need to create the kind of look you want on your property. This low-maintenance material typically comes with a 30–50-year warranty.

  • Clay Roofing Materials - These are extremely versatile and best suited to regions that experience more heat and less rainfall. They are extremely durable and offer excellent insulation from the outdoor temperature.

  • TPO - We offer top-quality TPO roofs, meticulously installed to perfection. Our commitment to quality extends to providing comprehensive warranties, ensuring that your investment is protected, and your roofing system stands the test of time. Choose us for customized, reliable, high-quality TPO roofing solutions that offer durability and peace of mind.

  • Shingles - Elevate your roofing with our expert shingle installation services. We provide a wide selection of top-quality shingle products to suit your preferences. Our professional team ensures superior installation, guaranteeing a durable and visually appealing roof. You can select from a range of high-quality shingles and experience a roofing solution that stands above the rest.

Some of the other roofing materials include slate, metal roofs, solar roofing, composite materials, vinyl roofing etc. The roof structure of your home will be resilient and durable only when you hire experienced and skilled contractors like the ones at Keystone Pro Building Services, for the job. We will be able to provide customized, high-grade services at a competitive new roof installation cost. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call today for all of your roofing needs.

We Provide Services to the Following Cities, Towns and Surrounding Regions of VA: